Call for Applications
UNDP ICMIF Insurance Innovation Challenge (IIC)

Through the UNDP ICMIF Insurance Innovation Challenge (IIC), the UNDP Insurance & Risk Finance Facility (IRFF) and The ICMIF Foundation will help mutual and cooperative insurers scale up innovative, affordable and inclusive insurance products which specifically serve the needs of underserved households and/or micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), with a particular focus on women, in developing economies.
Successful applicants will be awarded up to USD 100,000 over two years to support their project. Technical assistance is also available.
Please note the application period for the first round of the IIC closed on 28 April.
If you are interested in applying for future rounds of funding please email [email protected]
- Call for Applications flyer (English)
- Guidelines for Applicants (English)
- Application form (English)
- Budget template (English)
- Call for Applications flyer (French)
- Guidelines for Applicants (French)
- Application form (French)
- Budget template (French)
- Call for Applications flyer (Spanish)
- Guidelines for Applicants (Spanish)
- Application form (Spanish)
- Budget template (Spanish)