Rebeca Sollestre was able to continue caring for her grandchildren
Country: The Philippines
Rebeca Sollestre, 62 years old, lives with her two grandchildren in Brgy Cawayan in Quezon (the Philippines). She works at a piggery, and tends to the fields that she and her 12 siblings share.
Rebeca joined CARE MBA in 2017, through her membership of KUMARE (a local women’s organisation).
Rebeca was able to receive a claim from CARE MBA when her husband died due to a heart attack. She used the claim she received to cover the costs of his burial, and was able to continue caring for her grandchildren.
Considering the remote location of her home, she said that the partnership between CARE MBA and KUMARE was really helpful as she did not have to go to Lucena City to process her microinsurance application and claims. She explained “This kind of service is a huge help to poor people like me”